Saturday, August 24, 2024

Life In The Red State

Florida, as everyone knows, is a solidly Republican state. There are Trump signs and flags everywhere, and as I mentioned in a previous blog post, there is even a MAGA manatee. I have not seen a single Harris for President sign anywhere in South Florida, which to me is pretty remarkable. Perhaps Governor Ron DeSantis has issued a decree banning them from public display. I wouldn't doubt it. But the people we have met here all seem pretty nice. A few weeks ago, my sister Susan and I started talking with a couple at what I refer to as the Jolly Sailor Pub (it is actually the outdoor bar of the Sailor's Return Restaurant, located in Sunset Bay Marina here in Stuart), and occasionally one of them would make a nonchalant remark about what hell it would be living in a blue state, or what a cesspool Chicago, my old home town, is, but we simply let it pass. We especially did not talk politics with them, or for that matter, anyone else. I have learned from experience that you will never change their minds, and when everyone around you is armed to the teeth, discretion is the better part of valor. And you can quote me on that.

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