Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mad Dogs And Englishmen - And Me!

It was Rudyard Kipling who said, "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun," but I think I also qualify after playing a round of golf around high noon at the complex where my sister Susan and I own a condo down in Stuart, Florida. It was the first time I have played golf since 2015, when I was down here getting the condo ready to rent out to a new tenant. I was the only one on the course, either then or now, but purposely so - playing golf once every nine years tends to make you a little rusty, and I didn't want anyone to witness my struggles on the course. And the heart of a Florida summer is the only time you can have the place to yourself. The photograph on the left is a self-portrait at the infamous 5th hole, which requires you to drive across a pond in order to get to the green. And as usual, my ball went straight into the water.

I actually surprised myself and did fairly well - a 22 over par 52, not too much worse than the last time I played. And yes - I do indeed need to take lessons The Monterey Yacht and Country Club, where our condo is located, features a very challenging 9-hole course with lots of water hazards. There are 49 buildings that surround this course, and 2 across the street near the St. Lucie River, where our condo is located. The yacht club is right on the river, although there are no actual yachts there, or any watercraft at all. Monterey never got permission to dredge, and so the yacht club is used only for events, which would probably have been the case even if they had been able to dredge. There was only one boat that was ever moored there - a sailboat owned by Stewy Anderson. Years ago, he anchored it in the river and used a rowboat to get out to it. I am not sure if that was legal or not. Of course, I haven't heard about him or seen his boat in decades. I took the photograph on the right back in March of 1985. Perhaps he is still serving time for that infraction. I'll have to check that out one of these days.

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