Thursday, August 22, 2024

Speaking Of Chicago...

I am at a loss down here in Florida because I am not getting my monthly issues of Chicago Magazine. My mail is being forwarded, but the post office does not forward periodicals. Or for that matter, most of the rest of my mail either. Lately I have been getting my Chicago news wherever I can. I saw an article on the internet recently about a new record listing price for a home in the Chicagoland area - a 1929 Winnetka estate fronting on Lake Michigan that is selling for $35 million. Winnetka is, of course, located north of Chicago in what is called the North Shore, a posh area we from the South Side of Chicago seldom - if ever - have visited, and which we imagine to be a lot like living in Oz. 

The house, located on 2.3 acres at 419 Sheridan Road, is 20,000 square feet, originally owned by Popular Mechanics publisher Henry Haven Windsor Jr., and has a swimming pool, boardwalk along the lake, as well as a boathouse for your yacht, everything a young family starting out needs. The current owners are Muneer Satter, a retired Goldman Sachs executive, and Kristen Hertel. Goldman Sachs, of course, was the poster child for the financial meltdown that caused the Great Recession back in 2008, but of course, I digress. From the photographs, I think this might be a very suitable house to make a bid on. I encourage blog readers to make an offer, although if you actually wind up buying it, you will probably spend all your time cleaning those 8 bedrooms and 6.5 baths (the house has 22 rooms). And as for the yard work, good luck finding time for catching a White Sox game (or on that side of town, a Cubs game) on the weekends.

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