Saturday, February 3, 2018

People Are Crazy Here...

Of course, that is just my opinion, but I have valid reasons.  Let me explain - I was reminded by Peter, with whom I share an office at the local bookstore where I work - that yesterday, in addition to being Groundhog Day, was the monthly First Friday Art Walk.  Therefore, after work, I immediately drove to Santa Fe Drive, where it is held, and found a parking spot.  As I walked toward the galleries, I passes by The Renegade Brewing Company, a local brewpub, as seen in the photograph above.  Granted, it was a nice day yesterday, and the high reached 59 degrees, but by the time I got there it was nearing 5:30, and the temperature had dropped to the upper 30s.  Does that sound like patio weather to you?  And yet, look at all the people sitting there, drinking beer and having a good old time.  And another thing.  People wear shorts here year round, even when the weather dips belong freezing.  Is that rational behavior?  Do all these people come from California and long for year round summer temperatures, pretending it is really nice out?  I myself stand there, all bundled up, and just want to slap some sense into them.  And by the way - the groundhog did see it's shadow yesterday, both in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and in Denver, which means 6 more weeks of winter.  Deal with it, people.  Rationally.

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