Monday, December 7, 2015

Pearl Harbor Day

Today is December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 , killing thousands, and bringing the United States into World War II.  There are very few veterans left who witnessed that event.  My father, who was drafted around 1944 and was sent to fight teeth in Okinawa (he was a dentist), would be 106 years old if he were alive today.  He is pictured in the photograph on the left along with my mother Mary and sister Susan, taken while mother and Susan were visiting him in Abilene, Texas, right before he was shipped off to Okinawa.  And no, I was not the one who took the photograph.  I was born much, much, much, much later, in a totally different era, known as the 1950s.  Which is why I am still a relatively young man, as opposed to my sister, who is - well, I won't say it.

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