Monday, January 9, 2017

A Monday Morning Shocker!

The past few days as I have walked through the stockroom of the bookstore where I work, I couldn't help but notice the headline on the stack of tabloid newspapers.  It seems that Prince Charles is on trial for murdering Princess Diana.  I mentioned this in passing to my office-mate Peter, but he refused to believe it. I finally had to grab a copy and actually show it to him before he finally acknowledged the headline did indeed say that.  Peter still doesn't believe it is true, but they wouldn't be able to print the story if it wasn't, right?  I am sure the Globe has to have two reliable sources before they can actually print the story, just like Woodward and Bernstein in All the President's Men. I doubt that Charles will be convicted, but he damn well better not get caught stealing Royalty memorabilia.  If he does, they will lock him up and throw away the key, just like O.J.

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