Saturday, November 2, 2019

The First Friday Of November Art Walk

I went to the First Friday Art Walk on Santa Fe Drive here in Denver last night, and this month's event definitely had a Day of the Dead theme to it, especially at the Museo de las Americas, which is located in the heart of the district.  There were lots people walking around with faces painted like skulls, and many were elaborately dressed like La Calavera Catrina, who has become an iconic symbol of that festival.  There were even Aztecs performing at the event, such as the two in the photograph on the left. I understand that the Aztecs were very fond of decorating with skulls, and so it is only fitting that they were represented, too.

As for the art, there was some good photography to see this month, especially the photographs by Suzi Moore McGregor, currently on display at the Spark Gallery.  The photographs she took in India were especially good, and I really liked her artist statement that basically said that she wants to keep exploring the world and take photographs of it until she dies.  That would be my ideal retirement goal, too.  Be sure to check out her web site at  There was also other good photography on display, too, but to be honest, it was so damn cold that whenever I went into a gallery, I was more interested in warming up than contemplating art.  At my age, heat trumps art every time.  Is it finally time to move down to my sister Susan and my condo in Stuart, Florida, at least during the winter?  And give up all that rent we our getting from our tenants?  I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

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