Friday, July 19, 2024

Lions And Tigers And Bears - Oh My!

Actually, all those lions and tigers and bears are safely tucked away in their compounds at the Palm Beach Zoo. But outside the zoo, there's a lot of wildlife out there here in Florida. Most famous are the alligators, such as the one in the photograph on the left. Although they are alleged to be everywhere, I have not personally seen one in quite a while. I took that particular gator photograph while on a boat tour through the Okefenokee Swamp, near Waycross, Georgia, back in 1975. I think not seeing any gators lately is because I just don't hang out in places that alligators tend to frequent, which I suppose is a good thing for safety reasons, but not so great for wildlife photography.

The best I have done so far is to photograph geckos, such as the one on the right, which I took on the boardwalk along Stuart Beach. I never have had much luck finding more interesting animals in the wild such as those gators, crocodiles, panthers, bears, and everyone's favorite, giant Burmese pythons. I saw on the news not too long ago that up in the northern part of Florida a bear somehow wound up in the ocean, swam to shore, calmly walked past sunbathers on the beach, and then headed back into the wilderness. Now it is just plain dumb luck getting video of something like that, unless of course it was all staged. In fact, I think I will demand an investigation. Probably another example of fake news.

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