Monday, July 8, 2024

More On The Cherry Creek Arts Festival

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, my sister Susan and I attended the 2024 Cherry Creek Arts Festival, and we both enjoyed it very much. I myself really enjoyed the photography. There were no less than 22 photographers featuring their work, including travel photographer James McArthur Cole, who works out of Plainfield, Illinois, not too far from Chicago. Many of the photographs he was featuring were black and whites of Cuba and its people, including a woman smoking a cigar, as seen in the photograph on the left. Another photographer I liked was Clifton Henri, whose studio is located in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago, not too far from the South Side Brainerd neighborhood where Susan and I grew up. He was displaying black and white photographs featuring people from the South Side of Chicago, as well as photographs of the people and places of Cuba.

I also liked the work of Igor Menaker, who is also from Chicago and does black and white prints of the city, as seen in the photograph on the right. Not all of the photographers were from Chicago, of course. I really liked the work of Michael D. Rieger, who has a gallery in Denver and creates photo etchings (hand printed images transferred to etching plates). I think that would be a fun type of photography to learn, and am tempted to see if it might be taught at the Art Students League of Denver, which will host the annual Summer Art Market on the streets in front of their school later in the summer. It might be fun, but I suspect very messy, too, what with all that ink. And I don't do messy very well. In any case, I really enjoyed this year's Cherry Creek Arts Festival. It was well worth having to put up with the heat to see it.

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