Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Running Of The Hemingways

This past weekend Hemingway Days took place down in Key West, Florida, and one of the major events of this festival is the Hemingway lookalike contest, which takes place over a three-day period at Sloppy Joe's, the bar where the original Hemingway used to drink. Before the winner is announced on Saturday night, they hold a "Running of the Bulls" down Greene Street, a parade featuring all the Hemingway look-alikes that marches past Sloppy Joes, as seen in the above photograph. I always thought it would be fun to attend this event, but each time I get a chance to do so, I wind up skipping it. For one thing, it is two hours to Key Largo from Stuart, Florida, where my sister Susan and my condo is located, and another three hours from there to Key West. This means staying overnight in a motel, which costs a bloody fortune in that town, especially on this particular weekend. Not a Motel 6 in sight down there. Plus, the place is wall-to-wall people during these events. Now that I am an old curmudgeon, not to mention a self-proclaimed cheapskate, it sounds to me more hellish than festive. Best to just drive to Stuart Beach, hang out, and resolve to attend next year. Maybe.

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