Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Familiar Pattern

When I first started this Blog, I asked people at the University of Denver Bookstore if they wanted to be featured on it, and almost everyone seemed pretty enthusiastic and wanted to participate.  But eventually, most of my co-workers became very hesitant about it, and told me that they were now in the Federal Witness Protection Program and could never be photographed again.  I thought this was just a fluke, but now I am working at a totally different place, and the pattern is just the same.  My office-mate Peter (seen in the photograph above with his back turned) now refuses to be directly photographed.  He did not specifically say he was in the Federal Witness Protection Program, but he was very clear about not wanting his face to ever appear on this Blog again.  And just what is the deal with that?  Perhaps the problem is that Peter and all the rest of them actually started reading the Blog.  Big mistake.

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