Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Spring Snow Storm

Whenever there is a chance of snow these days, all the local newscasts make it sound like Armageddon is near.  However, the past two snowstorms the weather forecasters have predicted never materialized, at least in Denver.  Supposedly all the snow went to the south and west, but I suspect they might be saying that just to save face.  In any case, they predicted another storm for yesterday, and the local grocery store where I work part-time in the evenings and on weekends was jammed with people preparing for a blizzard of massive proportions, which not even the weather people were predicting. In any case, I was surprised when I woke up yesterday morning to actually see it was indeed snowing.

Of course, since it was a spring storm, the snow immediately melted when it hit the pavement, and there was only an inch or so to remove from my car. And as the bookstore where I work as the bookkeeper is only a few miles away via city streets, driving there was not much of a challenge.  It started snowing again as I was leaving work, coming down a bit harder this time, but still nothing to worry about.  And so, all in all it was a win-win situation. The city got some badly needed moisture, the local newscasters  boosted their ratings by scaring the hell out of everyone, and the grocery stores made a pile of money.  But what I want to know is what everyone is going to do with all that extra food they bought.  Will it be party time here in Denver?  Will I be invited?  I didn't think so.

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