Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dinner With Valarie At The Goods!

I had dinner with my friend Valarie at The Goods - the restaurant that adjoins the local Denver bookstore where I work and home of the "greatest burger on earth" - last night.  Valarie, as regular blog readers know, is now retired, but was the Operations Manager at the University of Denver Bookstore back when I was the Finance Manager there.  It has been a while since we have seen each other, so we had a lot to catch up on. Valarie is enjoying retirement, and both Cheyanne and Dillon, her two children, have bought homes and moved out her and her husband Jake's house.  Also, she and Jake are off to London and Scotland this month, and after that her daughter Cheyanne will join her in Paris.  Talk about roughing it.  And by the way, according to our waiter, the "greatest burger on earth" title was not from a survey, but bestowed by the restaurant itself.  Surprise.   Good to see you again, Valarie!

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