Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dinner With The Old DU Bookstore Gang

This past Sunday evening my friends Valarie (the former Operations Manager of the University of Denver Bookstore) and her husband Jake invited several couples and myself to a dinner party in the backyard of their home in Wheat Ridge, a suburb just to the north and west of Denver.  They have been working very hard on their backyard and wanted to show it off, and I must say, I was very impressed.  They have converted their basement to an Air B and B, and have had a lot of success with it.  They can choose when they want to rent the place, and so can still travel whenever they want.  And in fact they have upcoming plans for a road trip to California and a trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. Jake, by the way, is on the far left in the above photograph, and Valarie is second from the right.  My friends Darrel (the former Accounts Payable Manager of the DU Bookstore and second from the left in the photo) and his wife Linda (on the far right) are also planning trips to Laramie and Saratoga, Wyoming, and also to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Our friends Chris (the former Accounts Payable Assistant at the bookstore) and her husband Jim couldn't make it due to illness, but I am sure we will see them at our next get-together.  Don't worry guys!  Bubonic plague is very treatable these days.

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