Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Going Ape At The Zoo

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I went to the Denver Zoo Tuesday afternoon to take a few photos, and as usual, checked out the progress of the gorilla and orangutan babies there.  As can be seen in the photograph on the left, the orangutan baby is now running free, playing around and having non-stop fun. It is so busy swinging on ropes and constantly exploring that it has no time to pose for photos.  It will be a while before it realizes that it is a prisoner with a life sentence.

It's father has no such problem with posing for a picture, as can be seen in the photograph on the right. Orangutan's seem like such friendly and gentle creatures, and I personally believe they would make great pets.  I would strongly recommend that you have a big backyard with lots of trees if you want to adopt one.  I think there might be regulations against this, however, so you might want to check local zoning laws first.

On the opposite side of the compound, I checked on the progress of the gorilla baby, who seems to enjoy climbing trees these days.  While his parents sat in the shade and watched, he climbed up a tree in the compound, tore off some branches to eat, went up higher, and repeated that process.  As I was leaving, he was still up there, heading for the top.  The zoo visitors seemed quite concerned that it might fall, but the ape parents appeared very nonchalant about the whole thing.  I suspect they are traditional parents in the Dr. Spock mold. And when was the last time you heard anyone mention Dr. Spock?  God, I am old.

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