Thursday, July 8, 2021

July At The Zoo Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, I went to the Denver Zoo Tuesday afternoon to walk around and take a few photographs. It was overcast for much of the day, and only hit 80 degrees, and so all of the animals were out and about, enjoying the day. Two of the bachelor lions were just hanging out in the smaller lion compound, as seen in the photograph on the left. They are always willing to pose for a photograph, God bless them, and are patiently waiting for their Covid shots, which zoo officials say could happen as soon as this week.

The lion pride that includes Tatu and twins Oskar (named for the Oskar Blues Brewery in Lyons - this is Colorado, after all) and Araali were all in the main lion compound, called Predator Ridge. The photograph on the right is of one of the pride's lionesses. She is posing for the photo, but does not exactly look happy about it. Nothing worse than a cranky lioness, I always say. The problem these days with this family is that both Tatu and the lion cubs are now pretty much fully grown, and it is hard to tell who is who. The Denver Zoo definitely needs more cuddly cubs. They make for much cuter photos.

All the elephants were out and about, too, including Jake and Chuck, half brothers who came to the Denver Zoo from Ontario, and seen in the photograph on the left. They tend to stick together most of the time, no doubt reminising about their time up in Canada, a much colder climate where you don't have to throw dirt on your back to cool off. I wonder if they spent much time on the Lake of Bays, where our family used to vacation back in the 1950s? Of course, my parents and sister never mentioned anything about elephants at Britannia, where they used to stay, but perhaps it just slipped their minds.

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