Thursday, July 29, 2021

Visiting Cool Cats On A Hot Summer Day

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I visited the Denver Zoo Tuesday afternoon despite the 96 degree heat. Unlike the lions, the heat didn't seem to bother the tiger in the photograph on the left. It was in the upper level of it's compound, pacing back and forth, and was kind enough to stop for a minute and pose for a portrait. The tigers at the Denver Zoo occupy a new compound called "The Edge," which is supposed to be better, but does not seem all that larger than it's previous home at the zoo.

The old home of the tigers is now occupied by a serval, a wild cat native to Africa that can reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour. When I started working on this blog post, I could not remember it's name - a rare lapse in memory for me - and I had to look it up on the internet. I was truly surprised to find that it is not an endangered species, and that people often make them pets. There were two sites on the internet actually selling these creatures, and one site warning of the dangers of buying one. Considering that they can run up to 50 miles per hour, if you do decide to make one a pet, be sure not to drop the leash when you take it for a walk, or else in a couple of hours, it will be in the next state.

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