Monday, October 24, 2022

CSI: Denver

A murder took place early this past Saturday morning in the club room of my condo building (seen in the  photograph above), the exact spot of the killing three floors below where I was sleeping. I didn't find out about it until I took my sister Susan's dog Blackberry for her morning walk. It was THE topic of conversation on the ride down to the 1st floor on the elevator, as you can well imagine. Evidently, nine Denver police cars, plus a Crime Scene Investigation vehicle, surrounded the building for over three hours, and someone mentioned the presence of homicide detectives in the building. I was surprised to learn later that it was a shooting that took place around 1:30 in the morning. If that wasn't scary enough, the gunshot didn't even wake me up. Whether that is a good thing or bad, I don't know. Two people were later arrested, but what connection they have to the building I still don't know. I would suggest to management that they require background checks for all potential renters, and establish a new policy to reject or evict anyone with a felony. However, I am sure the HOA would say that it would interfere with the condo owner's property rights. God knows we wouldn't want that, no matter how many people are murdered.

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