Saturday, October 22, 2022

Whatever Happened To Sister Carla?

Many years ago, back in July of 1983, when I was still married to my then wife Lisa, we were invited, along with my sister Susan and brother-in-law George, to spend the weekend at a condo up in Breckenridge with our friend Father Bob, some of his fellow priests from Denver's St. Thomas Seminary, assorted others, and someone we had never met before named Sister Carla. I was pretty nervous about bringing beer with us up to the condo, considering she was a nun, or at least a nun-in-training (I forget the official term). We had gone to a 4th of July party that same year (I think) at the house of a couple who were friends of Lisa, and brought along beer (it was the 4th of July, after all). It turned out that they were Christian Scientists, and looked at us like we were shooting up heroin. But in Breckenridge. we needn't have worried. Sister Carla, seen in the photo above that I took of her that weekend, was drinking a beer and wearing bib overalls when we drove up to the condo, and was very pleasant and laid back. Eventually Father Bob left the priesthood and got married, and we never heard from him again, which is sad. He evidently wanted to leave his old life behind. And therefore, we also don't know what happened to Sister Carla. Did she get promoted to nun, drop out of the program, or what? We'll never know.

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