Monday, May 8, 2023

Cinco de Mayo!

This past weekend Denver celebrated Cinco de Mayo at Civic Center Park, which is located downtown next to the Colorado State Capitol Building. This holiday celebrates the Mexican army's victory over the French back in 1862, which seems like a pretty obscure event to celebrate, but here in Denver, which has a large Hispanic population, it is a big deal indeed, leading some people to go so far as lining up to buy berrie kabobs, no doubt a very popular Mexican delicacy.

It was an overcast day, and kept threatening to rain, which might explain why the event did not seem as crowded as in previous years. As usual, there were booths selling beer as well as margaritas, which along with the food booths, are way too expensive for a cheapskate like me. Years ago, this festival was held on Santa Fe Drive, which was at the time the center of a large Hispanic community, and it seemed more of a neighborhood event, featuring local merchants and cheaper prices, but it became so popular it moved to Civic Center. With a great loss in community spirit.

And as usual, there was lots of music, including a mariachi band  playing at the main stage in the center of the park, and another on a temporary stage near the City and County Building. There were people dancing at both venues, including the ones in the photograph on the left. And no, I did not do any dancing myself. There are some humiliations that even I will not endure, especially since I am sure a photo of me would wind up in the Denver Post, no doubt titled "No fool like an old fool."

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