Tuesday, May 23, 2023

High School Graduation Madness Returns!

I live across the street from the University of Denver's Ritchie Center, and every May the university rents it out for high school graduation ceremonies, usually three a day until the end of the month. Which means that morning, noon, and night there are huge crowds, lots of traffic, and the lovely ritual of running your hot rod, with an engine louder than an air force jet, down the street at high speeds, and honking your horn for good measure. The worst part of it is that many of the visitors park in our building's lot, and take our assigned parking spaces. This despite huge signs at each entrance saying that there is "No Event Parking" allowed. I assume this is because today's high school graduates and their friends are still working on their reading skills, and have no idea that they should not park there. One year, I was backing out of my parking space, and a woman from Spokane, Washington, looking for a parking spot, drove past me at a high rate of speed, causing a fender bender which I wound up getting the blame for. And my insurance carrier, instead of "accident forgiveness," has a policy of "accident punishment," and raised my rates a few hundred percent or so. And so I now assume you understand why this is such an important issue with me, and I am not just a crabby old curmudgeon. Right? Right?

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