Wednesday, October 22, 2014

BEWARE! Denver Has A SERIOUS Zombie Problem...

I went down to the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver last Saturday afternoon, and the place was crawling with zombies.  Denver, needless to say,  has a serious zombie problem.  There were armed zombie hunters there to keep them in line, but if the zombies all went berserk at once, nobody would be able to stop them. And how did Denver get into this predicament in the first place?  Personally, I blame the movie Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead.  I think that film really appealed to The Undead, and once they saw it, they all started moving here.  And what can be done about this problem now?  For one thing, I would sure stay the hell off the streets Halloween night.  If you don't, you're a goner.  Or else head to the nearby suburb of Lakewood.  Not even The Undead would hang out in that place.

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