Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hanging At Hickenlooper Headquarters

Yesterday was Election Day, and as I walked through Denver's Union Station after work on my way to the Light Rail train, I noticed that Governor John Hickenlooper had made the center of the station his election night headquarters.  This seemed like a pretty egalitarian gesture, letting the general public hang out with the Democratic fat cats, instead of gathering at an expensive hotel ballroom and shooting any onlookers who crossed the threshold.  Since I knew it was going to be a close election and a late night, I decided to head home instead of hanging around waiting for the outcome.  I figured I could always get dressed and go back to Union Station if the mood struck me.  It didn't.  And by the way, as of today - Wednesday - the jury is still out on the result.  I wonder if everybody is still there?

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