Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Millennial Generation Moment

The bookstore where I work on East Colfax Avenue is across the street from East High School, just as cleverly named as Denver's South and West High Schools.  Now that classes are back in session, about 4,000 or so of these students buy their lunch at the store's coffee shop each day and hang out at the store for a few hours during their lunch hour.  I myself take a seat on the patio outside the main door of the store so that I can eat and read for a while.  A few days ago I couldn't help but look up and notice a young woman in the middle of the school's water fountain, posing for a photographer. It looked like she was supposed to be a mermaid or something, and one of her fellow students was taking a very occasional photograph.  On further examination, the model seems to be posing while the photographer is checking his cell phone - possibly even texting. That's the millennial generation for you.  I suppose he could have been using both both his cell phone and the camera in his hand to take photos and was checking the results, but I always like to assume the worst, which is the phrase one of Carl Hiassen's book characters says he wants to put on his gravestone - but I digress. If it were me posing up there, and the photographer truly was texting, I would have gotten down from the fountain and given him a good kick in his backside.  And so I feel the need to tell you millennials out there that sometimes you just need to hang the hell up.

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