Monday, December 11, 2017

Hillary Clinton Returns!

Hillary Clinton will be meeting her supporters and signing copies of her book What Happened at the local Denver bookstore where I work today.  The store sold all 1000 tickets to the event in just two hours a few months ago, and all 1000 will be looking for a place to park at the store this morning, which will make getting to work an adventure today.  She will be greeting her fans in the basement of the store, which is where the office where I work is located, and I have been told we will have to leave at 10:00 A.M. to allow the Secret Service to sweep the place with their (secret) service dogs.  Whether we will be allowed to return to our offices after this is done is still an open question.  And by the way, I took the above photograph when Hillary came to the store a few years ago, before she announced her candidacy.  I messed up the first photograph, and took a second, right before a Secret Service agent took me by the arm and guided me toward the stairs. This time I am not buying the book (I already know what happened), and so will not be able to get a photograph today, unless I open the door to the event space and step out into the room where she is located.  A Secret Service agent would of course shoot me on sight, so it would be hardly worth it.  Perhaps I can get a shot of some Secret Service agents instead, before they can shoot me, of course.

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