Monday, November 9, 2020

Fall At The Zoo

Yesterday afternoon was a perfect day to visit the Denver Zoo - sunny and 60 degrees. Not too warm for the animals to stay in the shadows, and not cold enough to keep them indoors. As always, Tobias the lion was happy to pose for photographs, as seen on the left. I know I have featured him many times before, but when such a beautiful animal like that is willing to stand still and look you in the eye for a portrait, how can you resist?

I was also able to photograph Tobias with one of his cubs, as seen in the photograph on the right. The cubs are pretty lively these days, now that the summer heat is past, and tend to run around all over the place, although yesterday they spent most of their time in an area that would have forced me to shoot directly into the sun, which is definitely not good if you want to take a photograph other than a silhouette. It was definitely very unthoughtful of them, although they finally did move into better light, which is when I was able to snap that shot.

I was also able to get a photograph of my friend the tiger, who was nowhere to be seen the last time I was at the zoo. Plus, last time, there was caution tape across the entrance to their compound, called The Edge, and a sign posted that said they were taking precautions because these big cats are especially susceptible to Covid. Happily they must have completed their mandatory 14 day quarantine and are now back outside.

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