Thursday, January 17, 2019

The 2019 National Western Stock Show

My friend Stuart and I went to see Denver's annual National Western Stock Show this past Tuesday afternoon, and since it was a free day, we definitely got our money's worth.  This is probably the country's biggest stock show, and is the highlight of the year for the ranch communities across the west that attend it. And it is also a great reminder to all of us that this rural, traditional way of life still exists in this country, and we are all the richer for it.  Plus, none of these people seem to mind if I take their photographs, which is truly refreshing.

When you get right down to it, the stock show is all about the animals that are raised on ranches throughout the west, such as the goat in the photograph on the left, which was more than happy to pose for a photograph.  Unlike the massive cows and steers also on display, these goats are raised for their milk and cheese, and are therefore not likely to be sent to the slaughterhouse, thus not instilling a feeling of guilt in me as I take their smiling portrait.  In fact, the day we went, there were hundreds of goats and sheep on display, and a contest was being held to see which was the best of the lot. As far as I am concerned, every one of these animals were interchangeable, and so all were winners in my eyes, except the ones bound for the slaughterhouse, of course.

And of course, I could not end the day without taking a photograph of my friend Stuart with one of our animal friends, and have named this classic snapshot "Portrait of Two Old Goats." I actually don't know how old the goat really is, but I do know Stuart's age, and so at least 50% of the title is spot on.  In any case, Denver's National Western Stock Show runs through Sunday, January 27th, and I heartily recommend that anyone who can possibly attend do so.  You will be truly surprised that this part of America still exists, and thank goodness it does.

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