Saturday, June 15, 2024

Graduation Day At DU

This weekend, graduation ceremonies take place at the University of Denver. Yesterday was the ceremony for master's and doctoral students, seen in the photograph above, and today the undergraduate ceremonies take place. Back when I was the Finance Manager of the DU Bookstore, before the university outsourced the store to Follett Higher Education Group, this was a big day for the bookstore. The Merchandise Manager and her assistants would set up tables loaded with merchandise just outside the entrance to Magness Arena, where the ceremonies take place, and sold a ton of DU gifts and clothing over the two-day period. The bookstore itself would also attract a large crowd after the ceremonies. And in the afternoon, when all the graduates, along with their friends and family, left, it was quiet as a tomb on the sales floor, and would stay that way until mid-August. And as for the now Follett-run DU Bookstore, I saw neither hide nor hair of them at Magnus Arena yesterday morning. Surprise!

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