Sunday, June 9, 2024

Still Another Stuart, Florida Flashback

I ran across the photograph above the other day of my sister Susan and mother Mary posing in front of the Colorado Avenue Mini Park, located along the St. Lucie River near downtown Stuart, Florida, back in October of 1999. Susan and I used to visit our mother down in Stuart two or three times a year, and we always had a good time together. She passed away back in 2009, and we have been renting that condo out ever since. And after 15 years, we have decided to take the place back and live there half the year, which will be a major lifestyle change. I have only visited Stuart a few times over the past 15 years, most recently last year, when I discovered that the covered beach shelters along the boardwalk at Stuart Beach, which we used to sit on, have been replaced by a restaurant, no less, which still irritates me. I suspect we will discover a whole bunch of other changes, too. And you know how much old curmudgeons like me enjoy change. I can't wait!

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