Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mark Hosts A DU Pizza Party!

My friend Mark, who works at the University of Denver's Anderson Academic Commons (the library), and seen in the center of the photograph above, hosted a pizza party yesterday evening. In attendance was Wally, the former Operations Manager of the DU Bookstore (on the right in the photo), Darrel, the former Accounts Payable Manager for the bookstore (on the left in the photo), and me, the former Finance Manager for the store. Mark ordered the pizza from Bella Italia, located on Leetsdale Drive here in Denver, and it was excellent. Unlike Mark, a relative youngster compared to the rest of us, Darrel, Wally, and I are all retired, making us footloose and fancy free. Darrel and his wife Linda recently returned from a trip to Iowa to visit family, and had a great time, while Wally and his wife Linda hope to be in the Bay Area when their daughter Lydia gives birth to their first grandchild. Mark plans to spend the 4th of July weekend up in Steamboat, Colorado with his family. My sister Susan and I hope to travel to Florida over the summer to experience not only the heat, which we have plenty of here in Denver, but the humidity, too. Who doesn't love humidity?

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