Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Summer Solstice

Today is the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer, the day modern-day Druids gather at Stonehenge to celebrate, according to Wikipedia, "nature, landscapes, and diverse peoples." The grounds at Stonehenge are open to the public on both the Summer and Winter Solstices, allowing these celebrations to take place. However, reading about the ancient Druids makes me a bit uneasy about people today who want to emulate them. The original Druids were members of the priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures but left no written records. Everything known about them comes from Greek and Roman sources, including writings by Julius Caesar, as well as archaeological evidence. And both Caesar's accounts and archaeological findings show that these Druids were really into human sacrifices, often burning victims alive in a large wooden effigy, now known as a wicker man. And so, these modern-day Druids might be all about peace, love, and rock and roll, but I would strongly suggest getting the hell out of Stonehenge before dark, just in case.

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