Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Bookstore Cat

My office-mate Peter has been complaining about his allergies lately, and wanted to know if I had brought a cat - which he is allergic to - into the office.   No, strangely enough, I had not, but a few days later I caught sight of a cat - or a very large furry rat - darting quickly under some book carts in the stockroom.  Aha! After making discreet inquiries, I learned that the cat actually belongs to the owner of the bicycle shop next door, and the cat has found a passageway between that store and the bookstore's stockroom.  The stockroom people are very mellow, and actually like having the cat around.  Of course, if the cat can get through, various other types of creatures that aren't as cuddly can get through, too, but nobody seems worried about that but me.

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