Saturday, August 1, 2015

Reminiscing About Canada...

Today is August 1st, and once again I am reminiscing about those annual vacations my family and I took in central Ontario each August.  Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s we would spend two weeks at Torpitt Lodge, located on Sparrow Lake (about a hundred or so miles north of Toronto).  My father Nelson and my Uncle Bill (my mother Mary's brother, whose family also vacationed there with us) would play golf for two weeks, while the rest of us did our own thing, as we used to say in the 1960s.  To say the cabin we stayed in was rustic is an understatement.  One day my Uncle Bill was sleeping (and snoring too, I might add) with his mouth open in a chair after eating some peanuts.  A chipmunk came in, jumped up on him, and was sticking it's head into Uncle's Bill's mouth before being discovered.  I wish I had a photograph of that.  And speaking of photographs, before Torpitt, the two families went to a wonderful resort called Britannia, located on the Lake of Bays a ways to the north of there.  That was where the above photograph was taken, most likely before I was born (although it is conceivable I might have taken it while still in diapers).  Form left to right in the back row are my Aunt Elsie, Uncle Bill, mother Mary, and father Nelson.  In the front row are my cousin Linda, cousin Judy and sister Susan (the terrors of the waitress staff), my Grandmother Louise, and Grandfather William.  Oh to still  be able to take a trip up there with all of them all today.

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