Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Everybody Behaves Badly

And no - that it not my life philosophy.  It is the title of Lesley Blume's new non-fiction book about the writing of Ernest Hemingway's classic novel The Sun Also Rises.  I was able to obtain an advance reading copy of the book and found it fascinating.  It tells the story of Hemingway, his wife Hadley, and their fellow members of the "Lost Generation" in 1920s Paris, as well as Spain and other parts of Europe.  I strongly recommend getting a copy and checking it out.  I was so taken with the book, I decided to read Hemingway's Boat, by Paul Hendrickson, which takes up Hemingway's story just a few years after Everybody Behaves Badly ends, when he and his new wife Pauline move to Key West, Florida. Hemingway's life makes a fascinating story, and although I know how the story ends, I find reading about his self-destructive lifestyle and adventures very addictive.  And I'll have you know that I myself do not behave badly - very badly, anyway.

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