Sunday, August 6, 2017

Musical Performance Or Child Labor?

As I mentioned yesterday, I attended the First Friday Art Walk Friday evening on Santa Fe Drive here in Denver.  The street was closed for the evening, and some people took advantage of it, like the little girl on the left giving a performance for the crowd. But I have to ask the question - is this a musical performance or is it child labor?  A lot of people were walking up to the open guitar case and throwing in bills.  Does the little girl get to keep this money or do her parents keep it? Are there musically inclined couples only having children so they can put them out on the streets to perform for money, just as farm families used to have lots of kids back in the last century (I guess the century before that one, now) so they could be put to work on the farm?  Does Donald Trump intend to do anything about this?

Just down the street there was another performance going on in front of the Spark Gallery.  The proud mother was standing just to the left of me watching her daughter perform while her two sisters sat patiently on the sill of the Spark Gallery's window.  I hate to bring up this question, but just how long will the daughter perform?  If she is under 18, will she quite by 10 P.M.? I remember when I worked part-time at Walgreen's, the store would hire employees under 18 who would have to leave by 10:00, which is why I always had to work until midnight every night (most often closer to 1:00, although I am not bitter about it - much).  If she does perform after 10:00, will the police come and throw the lot of them in jail?  Unfortunately, I did not stay to find out - I had Taco Bell tacos calling to me. Yo quiera Taco Bell.

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