Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Is One Week Away - Time To Start Shopping!

Christmas is a mere 7 days away - it is definitely time to start your holiday shopping.  And I must say, people here in Denver are definitely getting into the spirit of the holidays.  I am featuring a couple of photographs today I took while walking down the 16th Street Mall to put everyone in a Christmas mood.  In any case, I went to the Dollar Store the other day, the one next door to Casa Bonita (a world famous tourist destination, at least here in Denver) and found when I checked out that the previous customer had paid two dollars toward the next two customer's purchases.  This is a pretty poor area of the city, where people who don't have much money shop to give their families gifts, and so that was a truly generous gesture.

Walking around this store, not to mention the Arc Stores here and up in Fort Collins, makes me realize how many truly poor people there are in this country, and how they deal with that situation the best they can, without complaint, trying to do their best to support their families and make the holidays as happy as they can for them. Many, but certainly not all, are Hispanic, and it just highlights how cruel it is to demonize immigrants who have come here to try and improve their lives, and most importantly, the lives of their children.  It makes you realize how warped the values of so many of our countrymen have become.  That's my two cents worth for today, anyway.

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