Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Reason For The Craziness

If I have been acting kind of eccentric (i.e. crazy) lately, there is a good reason for it - Bad Muzak. Wherever  I go these days, there seems to be Muzak playing in the background, and without realizing it, and if the song is bad enough, it immediately gets absorbed into my brain.  For weeks I had Barry Manilow's "Copacabana" going through my head 24/7.  And if that wasn't bad enough, after going to the Wendy's on Colfax Avenue for dinner the other night (I like to treat myself once in a while), my brain started playing "Torn Between Lovers, Feeling Like A Fool" over and over and over again.  There needs to be some kind of law against this.  Let's start the petition drive NOW!

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