Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Amnesia Man

I went to the Tattered Cover Bookstore on Colfax Avenue yesterday evening to hear David Maclean, author of The Answer to the Riddle is Me, speak about his frightening experience with amnesia.  While standing on a railroad platform in India back in 2002, Maclean came out of a blackout with total amnesia.  He had no idea of who or where he was. Now that is truly scary, especially when it happens in such a totally different culture.  I myself have occasionally woken up a little hazy on the details of the night before. My Grandfather Spillard was in Miami once during Prohibition, investigating some bootleggers, and somehow woke up the next morning in a hotel room in Havana (he never drank again after that experience, by the way).  However, he still knew who he was.  As for Maclean, it turns out that his amnesia was just one of the many possible side effects of an anti-malarial drug he was prescribed before going on his trip. The lesson here is to pay close attention to the disclaimers that are mentioned so quickly at the end of those television commercials advertising various prescription drugs  these days.  I strongly recommend staying away from any prescription drugs that have side effects that may include total amnesia, suicide, or death, even if it will get rid of your adult acne.

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