Saturday, April 4, 2015

10 Hours To Juarez

At my part-time job I usually work until midnight, and working those hours you meet some pretty interesting characters and hear some pretty interesting conversations.  A few weeks ago I overheard two guys discussing a mutual friend who drove to Juarez, Mexico to have dinner with his girlfriend.  There was some kind of disagreement, and he wound up leaving her there in Juarez, but I was not able to hear the details.  In any case, it was a 10 hour drive to Juarez, and it surprised me to learn how close Mexico was to Denver. Kind of reassuring, too. If you need to leave the country in a hurry and can't show your face at the airport, that would definitely be the way to go.  Of course, my passport has expired, but on that kind of trip, I guess it doesn't matter.

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