Monday, May 6, 2024

Getting Together With The Colorado Spurs

My friend Mark - seen in the photograph above - and I went over to Ester's Pub in Denver's Virginia Village neighborhood yesterday morning to watch the Tottenham Hotspurs play Liverpool with the Colorado Spurs, the local fan club of that Premier League soccer club. It has been about four years since we last got together with this group (before the pandemic), but found they were just as enthusiastic as ever. There was one especially vocal group at the bar that led all the fans in singing "When the Spurs go Marching In" throughout the game (the Tottenham Hotspur-themed take on "When the Saints go Marching In"), even though Tottenham was down 4-0 during much of the match. They also pounded on the bar and screamed what to me sounded like Keats. Were they also fans of English Romantic Poetry? Mark explained that they were actually shouting Yeates, who was a player who started his career with Tottenham but is long gone from the team. I really don't get it, but I guess I still have a lot to learn about English soccer. And by the way, Liverpool wound up beating Tottenham by a score of 4-2. Bummer.

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