Thursday, May 2, 2024

Springtime At The Zoo Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, I went to the Denver Zoo Monday afternoon to take a few photographs. I was really hoping to take a photo of the baby Orangutan, but its mother is still keeping it shielded from view. How rude! But no matter. The mother of the baby mandrill is not nearly as protective. She does always hold it by the hand wherever they go, but at least it is possible to take a few photos, such as the one on the left.

There is also a new lesser kudu baby, seen in the photograph on the right. It was born on March 25th. Lesser kudu are bushland antelope native to West Africa. Although only a little over a month old, it already seems to be pretty independent. Which is a good thing, because I think the mandrill and orangutan babies will have issues in later life due to all that overcoddling. Zoo psychiatrists will have their hands full in the not too distant future.

And no, the ostrich in the photograph on the left is not a baby - far from it. Since I was not able to get a photograph of that damn orangutan baby, I have run out of baby animal photographs and am substituting this one instead. This ostrich was pecking away at the fence the entire time I was there, no doubt trying to make a break for it. Since they can run at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, once it is gone, it will be very hard to catch. Which would be a lot of fun to watch. Perhaps the zoo should let them run free through grounds and let visitors try to catch them, for an additional fee, of course. I'll have to put that idea in writing and drop it into the suggestion box the next time I am at the zoo, where, of course, it is all happening.

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