Saturday, May 11, 2024

Springtime In Boulder

I drove up to Boulder yesterday afternoon to walk around and take a few photographs. There were lots of people out and about, despite cooler temperatures and overcast skies. There is a certain energy to the place that makes you just enjoy walking around town. It is a people-watcher's paradise. One of my favorite places to walk is on West Pearl Street, where I took the photograph on the left of some Boulderites just enjoying the day, including that poodle being pushed around in a baby carriage. I assume it is a baby carriage, or do they sell them specifically for that purpose up there these days?

One of the gems on West Pearl Street is the Arnett-Fullen House, built in 1877 for Willamette Arnett and later bought by Mrs. Hiram Fuller in 1914. It was put up for auction in 1993 and Historic Boulder bought it and used it for their offices for 12 years before selling it to preservation minded owners who restored the place. Historic Boulder holds covenants on the exterior and interior of the house, as well as a view easement on the garden lot to the west to make sure the place is forever safeguarded.

And as usual, the Pearl Street Mall was crowded with people having lunch, shopping, and just hanging out, enjoying the atmosphere. I stopped into the Boulder Bookstore, and the place was wall to wall people on the first floor. Thanks to being located in a popular college town with a highly educated population, it seems to be doing very well. The only other store I have seen so jammed with people like that is Powell's Bookstore in Portland, which takes up an entire city block. I just can't wait until the return of Saturday nights this summer, when the mall becomes one huge blocks-long entertainment and party destination. Let the partying begin!

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