Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Road Trip!

My sister Susan and I took a road trip last week from Denver to Clear Lake, Iowa, Duluth Minnesota, and Bayfield County, Wisconsin to check out some Hoyt family history with our cousins John and Annette. Susan and I were to pick up John at the Des Moines Airport Tuesday morning, and so we drove to Stuart, Iowa, very close to Des Moines, on Monday and stayed at the Motel 6 Resort and Spa located there. Stuart is a really small town, with a 19th century downtown, where we dined at Ruby's Pub and Grill and I took the photograph above of Susan. People are very friendly there. Our waiter/bartender told us he has left Stuart a number of times, but has always come back home, which he thinks is the perfect place to live. It is a low key and very pleasant town, with the larger attractions of Des Moines just a half hour away. Des Moines, by the way, is the home of the Iowa Cubs, the AAA affiliate of the Chicago Cubs. And those very same Chicago Cubs were on the television at Ruby's, leading the Colorado Rockies by a score of 15-1. We left before the game ended, and so I don't know if the Rockies staged a comeback or not. Probably not.

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