Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day!

Today is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. As I have mentioned before on this blog, years ago on this holiday my sister Susan, late brother-in-law George, ex-wife Lisa and I would drive up to Rocky Mountain National Park - Susan and George from Fort Collins and Lisa and I from Denver - and head into the park for a Memorial Day hike. Of course, this time of year there is still a lot of snow in the mountains, and we would often hike up a trail where the snow would get deeper and deeper and the fog thicker and thicker. Eventually, Lisa would start crying and demand we turn around, and we would then head back to Estes Park for a beer. George was always the leader of the hike, and I suspect this was his plan all along. In the photograph above, by the way, from left to right, are Lisa, George, and George's cousin Richard on one such foggy holiday. My suggestion to everyone out there is to stick to the lowlands this Memorial Day, and save the mountains for July. And then, happily, no more tears! Enjoy your Memorial Day Holiday Everyone!

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