Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The May Mutt of The Month

The days are increasingly warm and sunny here in Denver, which means patio time. And when people go to beer gardens, they bring their best friend (or friends) with them, making for plenty of photo opportunities, unlike during the winter. I took the photograph on the left of the May Mutt of the Month at the Denver Beer Company on South Downing Street, not too far from my condo across the street from the University of Denver. This place is always packed on the weekends, especially during the school year, when it attracts the DU crowd. There are so many dogs around it is hard not to get a good Mutt of the Month photo. And those mutts are always willing to pose, unlike most of the patrons. People are always afraid their photo will wind up on the internet. They are right, of course, but that is beside the point.

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