Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Zoo Dilema

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I went to the Denver Zoo Friday afternoon to take photographs of the animals, and actually took some pretty good shots.  However, as much as I enjoy doing this, you cannot avoid the fact that these animals are locked up, in prison for the rest of their lives.  You can just imagine how hard this is on these creatures when you look at the photograph on the left, showing a poor monkey looking out from it's prison.

On the other hand, you have to admit that a lot of these creatures don't seem to be bothered by their confinement, and actually seem to be having fun, such as the two most recent additions to the Denver Zoo - two young Asian elephants who are seen "roughhousing" in the photograph on the right.  I believe these two are Chuck and Jake, even though the Denver Zoo website ( claims that they are being kept "behind the scenes" until they get used to the place. My reasoning for this is that all the other elephants at the zoo are too old to roughhouse, while Chuck and Jake, at ages 6 and 8, are still more or less little kids in elephant years.  And what is my conclusion about whether zoos are good things or bad?  As I have often said before, that is way above my pay grade.

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