Monday, June 27, 2016

What's The Deal With Outdoor Black And White Photos?

As I was walking back to my car from the Denver Art Museum Friday night, I ran across some black and white photographs displayed on a building across the street (seen in the photo on the left).  Since it was just across the street from the museum, I assume the place was some sort of art gallery, but why display such provocative black and white photos on the front of the building?  It reminded me of another building with similar such photographs, which I decided to check out the very next day.

I went for a long walk Saturday afternoon, starting near my place of work and ending in the Lower Highlands, Denver's hottest (at the moment) neighborhood.  I remembered that the photographs were on the side of restaurant on Wyandot Street, a few blocks south of 32nd Street, the Lower Highlands main drag.  What I want to know is how I can remember that location after all these years, and not remember the password to get into my bank account.  But I digress.  The photos were still there on the side wall of a restaurant called Z Cuisine, a cafe and absinthe (Yes! Absinthe!) bar on the corner of 30th and Wyandot.  All I know is that if I ever suggested an art project like this, I would wind up in the slammer.

And that reminds me of still another set of black and white photographs that were on the wall behind the Spark Gallery in Denver's Santa Fe Arts District.  They were a series of photos of Barbie, and not very flattering, either.  The photographer evidently had major issues with Barbie and Ken. The photos are no longer there, however.   I imagine that the artist eventually took them down and got psychological counseling.  All for the best, I imagine.

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