Saturday, May 2, 2015

All The News That's Fit To Print

At my part-time job, I often work until midnight, and as it gets later in the evening, I have time to glance at the covers of the magazines near the checkout counter.  I couldn't help noticing  a strange contradiction in the headlines of two of the magazines on display on the the second row of the rack in the photograph above. OK Magazine - which must be OK because of its title - features a smiling George Clooney announcing that he is going to be a dad, and that he definitely waited for the perfect woman.  On the opposite side of that same row, the National Enquirer - a bastion of journalistic integrity for many, many years - claims the couple is headed for a $200 million divorce settlement, and claims it knows the man who drove them apart.  What's the deal with that?  Long time Blog readers will recall that I was trying to get a movie made about the University of Denver Bookstore several years ago, and was going to have George Clooney play me, Sandra Bullock play my friend Valarie, the store's Operations Manager, and the guy who used to play Mr.Carlin on the old Bob Newhart Show play Doug, the Textbook Manager.  Of course, then the Bookstore was outsourced to Follett Higher Education Group, I lost touch with George, and now I don't know what the truth is.  Perhaps if Clooney buys an estate in Clear Lake, Iowa, as is rumored (in fact, I'm spreading that rumor), I can ask him what the real deal is when I drive out there this summer.

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