Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day!

Today is Memorial Day, which always makes me remember the annual Memorial Day hike my then wife Lisa, sister Susan, and brother-in-law George used to take in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Although it was springlike down in Denver, up in the mountains it was often still cold and snow-covered.  George had read a book called Staying Found, and always wanted to try out his orienteering skills.  It seems like virtually every year we would hike up a fog enshrouded trail where the snow got deeper and deeper the higher we went.  We continued onward until Lisa would start crying and tell us we were all going to die if we didn't turn back right now.  Then we would drive back down to the resort town of Estes Park and drink beer.  Ah, the good old days!  Featured in the photo above are my then wife Lisa and brother-in-law George (my sister Susan's husband) on one of those hikes, before the tears began to fall.

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