Thursday, March 30, 2017

Spring On Colfax!

It's almost April.  And even on Denver's Colfax Avenue (once called America's longest, wicked street) spring is in full swing.  The trees are blooming with pretty white flowers and the homeless people who survived the winter are coming out of hibernation. As you can see from the photograph on the left, the trees make even this particularly ugly stretch of Colfax actually look pretty.

The trees in the gentrified neighborhoods just off Colfax are also in bloom.  These neighborhoods used to be considered very iffy, but over the years people realized those old Victorian houses were selling for a bargain, and gentrification began to change the area into a yuppie paradise. As I have mentioned before, the prices have gone sky high for these "painted ladies" over the last few years, but they are still far cheaper than the Victorians in California - hence all the California transplants you see here in Denver these days.  And that probably explains why the restaurant next door to the bookstore where I work specializes in vegetarian entrees.  Still another reason to resent Californians, if we didn't have enough already.

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